One good deed a day…

In May 2007, over 7000 Israelis joined the so-called “Good Deeds Day” – a day when volunteers take a break from their day-to-day routine to help others through social projects. This day, which brings happiness to many people, has already become part of Israeli culture. In 2011 the project organized by Ruach Tova (Good Spirit) organization is expanding beyond Israel.

April 3, 2011 is now considered an International Good Deeds Day. Over 80,000 volunteers worldwide will have the opportunity to experience the pleasures of doing something good for the others. They will donate blood, organize community picnics and second-hand bazaars for those in need, care for the environment, do repairs, organize fun activities for kids and much more. The list of good deeds is endless.

Do you have an idea? It is not too late to organize your own Good Deed Day project. Simply follow this link and tell Ruach Tova about your ideas of helping others.
Need inspiration? Read about some previous Good Deeds and how they were organized here.
And let’s make every day a Good Deed Day!

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2 Responses to One good deed a day…

  1. Jamie O'Neill says:

    Ruach Tova does not have a Wikipedia page. If I make them one on April 3rd, will that count as a good deed? They seem to be pretty credible, although without knowing what Wikipedia has to say about them I can’t really make up my mind.

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